Buck's Address-Sucre 220 Oficina 504 Edificio Bulnes Antofagasta Chile

Elder Buck Howard's Address-
Sucre 220 Oficina 504 Edificio Bulnes Antofagasta Chile

Monday, November 25, 2013

Baptizing until the airplane ride

Hey everyone, this week as been a very special week for me. Starting last pday... after finishing writing my weekly emails to you all. We left  (and I was super stoked to have a great week, thanks for the motivation emails) and we had a special family home evening with one of our investigators, Teresa Rodriguez, (who has been investigating with us for about 3 and 1/2 months) And a great new fam we have in the ward. In this family home evening the spirit guided the lesson (given from the 3 daughters of the family, 5,7, and 10 years of age) towards baptism, making decisions, being an active person. So while in this family home evening a week ago, Teresa said "ya know, I had been thinking a lot about baptism lately. I know the elders have challenged me before, but I was unsure... BUT NOW, I KNOW I NEED TO DO IT" So as you can imagine, I (internally) screamed like a little girl and challenged her to get baptized my VERY LAST day of my mission.. she replied "why not? Yeah, I will get baptized on the 30th of November!" Everyone in the house started to give her a hug and the family really made her feel special.

And the blessings didn't stop there... the next day (Tuesday) one of our other investigators (  Anderson, who is practically already a member) comes up to elder Levi and I and says "Ive been wanting to get baptized for awhile, and I want to do it before Elder Howard goes home"... okiedokie... So it looks like I will be living the dream of every missionary... "walking on the plane with wet pants on" or in other words... baptizing to the end. I feel incredible blessed to see so many tender mercies of the Lord in my life.

Remind me when I'm there to tell you about my "goodbye" in Church... ahaha So embarrassing!

Well, I am a lot more chill that I thought I was going to be.. up until now, even though I'm not sleeping. Knowing that my Dad´s challenge to me to baptize someone else before I come home is coming true(a huge motivation booster for me), a weight off my shoulder is taken off. I have a lot of saying goodbye BBQ`s for this week. haha I love my Chilean friends and it is so gratifying to see their love that they have for me! Elder Howard is the elder most blessed and least deserving! but I am sure grateful for it!

I love you all!

Monday, November 18, 2013


Well, another week passed by and more people coming closer to our savior. This last week was a very special week, as I was allowed to go up to Alto Hospicio(The city where I started my mission) yesterday to go make a surprise visit to my 1st converts and families that I taught. The 1st house we went to (Marlene and Carlos), when I knocked on the door, Marlene opened the door, and was confused for a second.. then said "elder Howard???" "What happened to you? you are sooo skinny, did you get sick?".... I started laughing so hard. It was a sweet reunion visiting the 1st family that I baptized. She is doing great, And Carlos was at work but I called him and talked to him for a little bit. I told them I will pass by another day when he gets back from working in the mine!

We also visited my Chilean mother, Alejandra!!! My 1st baptism! And her daughter Geraldine... When they opened the door and saw my face they started to scream! after a year and a half and limited contact, It was one of the most special moments of my mission. They couldn't hold back the hugs and kisses... it was like an alligator attacking a water buffalo. I was so happy just to sit down and talk to them for a while. I didn't get to see very many more yet, but in the next couple weeks I will get to return.

I love you all,

Elder Howard

The ship is about to sail!!!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Oh the places you go and the people you meet!

Sharing suckers and the Gospel

Peruvian Israelite Gido

I am Chilean

Yeah if you haven't noticed I have gotten really lazy at writing my weekly letter... and I'm not sending my weekly voice mails just so I can tell you the stories in person! hahah Well all is going really well. With the exception that my comp has gotten sick this week and was a little slow.. but just lots of prayers for him. Up until this time I have put off that thought of "my mission is going to end" and still it hasn't hit home.. Everyone here are counting down the days and It is impossible to escape the people that say " oh, you are going to be with your sweet family in such a short time". And now the more than I think about that, the more I realize how much I'm going to miss everything that I have here. I'm a little Chilean myself.. When I look in the mirror I feel like I look like them. I think like them, I eat like them, I am a Chilean, as a matter of fact I'm going to marry one! (hehe just kidding mom). And I love it. I will commit myself to enjoying my days as a Chilean for as long as I can. And even more important than being a Chilean, I will be the best Representative of our savior Jesus Christ... That is what is most important to me! I love you all and hope to hear from yall next week!

Elder Howard

ps. These are the pictures of the guy that walks around giving suckers to everyone inviting them to come to church! haha love it! ¡ El Chupetero!

Monday, October 28, 2013

The straight and narrow has ups and downs

Well this has been officially the 1st week in my whole mission were my companion and I have passed hunger. Well, its our fault because everyone in our house spent the money for October really quick. So we have been going through the classic hunger pains almost every night! It is so much worse because you don't get any blessings when you starve, only when you fast! We really couldn't fast because we have to take advantage of every moment that someone offered us food. In the end, many prayers were answered and I know many people were inspired and to give us a bit of food here and there. haha All of us said, No, we will not take money out from home because that is for losers. haha we made it.. Rumor has it this afternoon we get it! Lets pray! But nah it wasn't bad at all... just after 22 months you would think I could manage my money throughout the month. All is good now!
Well we had a great week. And I and putting my companion on a 6 week to Senior comp streak program. I have him taking charge in the things that are typically hard for new missionaries to do. So far so good.. It is awesome because I have seen a lot of his lazy tendencies leave. (we cant be perfect right) haha but he is on the path upward. I read something cool that I liked this week. "You know, the path to eternal life IS straight and narrow... that's how it is and it always will be like that and everyone knows. The thing that people don't realize is that just because it is straight and narrow, doesn't mean that it is flat... in fact, it rises, has ups and downs along the way. It never curves and never will, but it sure is a difficult straight hill we all need to climb!" I know that this is true. No matter where we are, we have to always continue climbing... UPWARDS!
I love you all so much.
Elder Howard

Monday, October 21, 2013

Return Date Announced

Elder Buck Howard will be returning to Utah on December 4, 2013. He will have his homecoming on December 15th at 9:00am at the Kenwood 1st Ward located at
1765 Gregerson Ave. 3080 S.
Come welcome him home!