Buck's Address-Sucre 220 Oficina 504 Edificio Bulnes Antofagasta Chile

Elder Buck Howard's Address-
Sucre 220 Oficina 504 Edificio Bulnes Antofagasta Chile

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Spiritual Gold

Hey there everybody! Well... the MTC is just a spiritual amusement park! It's awesome here.. when we leave, its sad to say but I will miss it a little bit. But the field is going to ROCK! We are starting our 7th MTC week soon and in our zone, our district will be the oldest district of the bunch. Its kinda weird to think we are the ones that have "experience" here. It is funny.. people here talk and boast about how long they have been in the MTC. Everyone thinks they are the real deal when they have been here over a month but in reality, it means nothing. haha that is something that I have learned about myself... that I really don't go around telling people my of accomplishments unless people ask. I don't know if people confuse that with me not being successful but if I learn something knew or do something half decent I don't need the world to know. Eh I'm just rambling now..
How about something of worth to everybody back home.. I attended a life changing devotional video that Elder Bednar gave here at the MTC 2 years ago. For some reason they keep these devotionals exclusive to the MTC so I don't believe you can get a hold of it. but this is the extreme summary of it.. but This to me is SPIRITUAL GOLD!
The most common question he receives is " How do I know if it is the Holy Ghost or just my mind telling me to do something".. His answer "Quit worrying about it! Quit Fussing about it! Quit stewing! Quit analyzing! Just quit worrying about it! Press forward with faith in the lord Jesus Christ. Be a good boy, be a good girl, honor your covenants, keep the commandments and I PROMISE YOU, In the name of Jesus Christ, that your steps will be guided. as you open your mouth it will be filled, you will be in the right place at the right now and in most instances you'll have no idea why or how you got there." 
How great is that?? I know for me, I really never thought about having the spirit with me all the time.. because we have all felt the spirit when it becomes an overcoming strong feeling and you cant always feel that way. But just because you don't necessary "feel it" doesn't mean its not there... do what you are supposed to do and you will be guided!
as you would expect he told some stories that drive home that point that really pull on your heartstrings!
these were some of my spiritual things i learned that i wrote in my journal
its in the little things we are guided by the spirit.
having no idea why you do something.. is still a spiritual impression.
don't wait to do something until you have a spiritual impression.. you cant be guided when you are not doing anything..
God shouldn't need to shake us with the spirit
ya know, ya just don't know sometimes. you just may never know the impact you have made on someone.
So family.. Do what you know is right.. and you'll be in the right places, at the right times, and If you do that, I KNOW you will be doing the Right things!
~ Love Elder Howard

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