Buck's Address-Sucre 220 Oficina 504 Edificio Bulnes Antofagasta Chile

Elder Buck Howard's Address-
Sucre 220 Oficina 504 Edificio Bulnes Antofagasta Chile

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Welcome to the desert

Where are your parents when you need to pack your bags?? It was transfer week and finally it was my turn to leave from Alto Hospicio!! It was sad and quite hard to say goodbye to all those people that I have loved for the past 6 months of my life! but that's part of the mission I guess. So here I am 1 week later ALIVE in the city of Calama! Its pure crazy here.. Super hot in the day.. Super cold in the night. I sleep with 9 layers of blankets and clothes. (i have plenty of warm stuff). We are in the middle of the desert.. all the people work in the mine and I mean EVERYBODY! The climate is so crazy that your skin instantly dries up, the wind blows so hard that the skin inside your dries up and bleeds. (sorry, gross mental picture) Thank goodness for blankets, chap stick, lotion and sunglasses! My companion is Elder Garcia from Peru. He is 25 years old and is a pretty good guy. He is really extremely quiet and doesn't really talk to people, but that's perfect for me. I'm just going to get that much better at speaking Spanish that much faster!! haha But I'm glad that he is a chill guy. We are excited to be here together and work hard. The sector that we are in is a WRECK! We have so much work to do its not even funny. We only have 70 people coming to church on Sundays. and that's not okay for how many people are here in this ward! The dog of our mamita broke into our house, ate our food and peed all over the place. we spent all day cleaning that up. Well the members here have really accepted me with open arms. I already feel that I have won their confidence and their love. I have met some great people this week and am super optimistic for this sector. I am grateful for the opportunity to be a missionary here in Calama, the conditions are miserable, perhaps the work here isn't classified as Ideal. But I am happy, I love what I'm doing and I'm going to give it all that I have. I love you all so much.. Have a great week and ill talk to you next week. 

Elder Howard

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