Buck's Address-Sucre 220 Oficina 504 Edificio Bulnes Antofagasta Chile

Elder Buck Howard's Address-
Sucre 220 Oficina 504 Edificio Bulnes Antofagasta Chile

Monday, November 26, 2012


Hey I have like no time to write today... super lame email coming you way just as a heads up. Ive been stressing over all this Christmas stuff for Y'all this year.. I'm trying to get you guys a package ready to ship out here now. Its a risky one, I'm about 50% that it will even get there but I figure that this will probably be the only thing I will send my whole mission, and its going to be tiny small too. So wish me luck with that and I hope that it gets there even if it doesn't by Christmas.

So Jonathan, our what we thought baptism date last week, decided to go to darn Peru for the week without telling anyone! So, after that we didn't know what in the world was going to happen with him, luckily enough he got back Saturday in the night and we were able to talk with him and figure out everything that was going on and replace his new baptism date for this next Saturday.. December 1st. He is sooo funny. This week in church he came in his huge dark Harley Davidson sunglasses and kept them on during the entire time. Gotta love weird things that people do:) Also, and very happily I am proud to announce that KAREN ROJAS is also getting baptized this next Saturday... and her husband Claudio(who just got the Aaronic Priesthood last week) will be baptizing her! I'M SOO EXCITED for them! This is the young couple that we have been working with for quite some time.. They were at the point of divorce and separation but now though the infinite power of the atonement of Christ we have been able to find mediums where as this family has been able to forgive one another. And now, they are on the path to an eternal marriage. I guess that's just a little tiny itty bitty reason why I'm so thrilled. So please keep them all in your prayers this week!! We need all the extra blessingcitas that we can get!

Love Elder Howard

PS. So we are going into week 6 of the transfer and so the next Monday I will know what my future will look like. I Really want to stay here in this same ward with Elder Packard for the 3rd time but I think our time is up together.. I know president normally keeps companions together if they have problems left to solve. So I think I might email president right now and tell him I'm at the point of killing Elder Packard just so he keeps just together!!! I'm still a believer in miracles!

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