Buck's Address-Sucre 220 Oficina 504 Edificio Bulnes Antofagasta Chile

Elder Buck Howard's Address-
Sucre 220 Oficina 504 Edificio Bulnes Antofagasta Chile

Monday, December 3, 2012

Zone Leader

Santa Vaca!!!! Holy cow, we just had the greatest worst most beautiful sad nerve racking week in the world!  In all honestly I don't know where to start. Well, I send off my tiny Christmas package off to you all this week! I could only send one package because its outrageously expensive however I hope that you all like it and are content. So during this whole entire week we were preparing our 2 baptism dates for Saturday..Jonathan and Karen. So they were our  focus here in the last week of our transfer. So we get everything ready to go, we schedule the baptism interview for Friday and all is set.. We go to Karen's house, and she was more than ready and passes. Then we go to Jonathan's house to do the interview. We get to the house of his best friend (where we teach him) and I walk into the house, reaching to shake his hand with a huge smile on my face saying to him" ah, we are soooo excited for your baptism for tomorrow Jonathan" and he replies... " Oh, I'm NOT going to get baptized tomorrow"!!! Are you kidding me!?!?!? So he tries to explain himself and says that he was offered a brand new job  just that very day about 1 hour from his house that pays really well and if he takes the job he says he wont be able to be baptized until February because he wont be here Sundays to go to church. So we begged, pleaded, prayed and exerted our strengths to help him realize the importance of making this decision... And he told us he predetermined this choice and he said that he needed the job over his baptism. Well shoot. Poor Jonny boy...
But lets look at the bright side.. We did have the baptism of Karen but the voice recording will have to do it much more justice than this letter. I just have to say that the Baptism of Karen Moro was perhaps one of the best moments of my mission so far! When her and Claudio(her husband) were standing there in the water together, I made me think of just an absolute fairytale after everything that they have gone through and overcome. When he baptized her... he did it so CUTE!! hehehe Its weird to say but really it was the most sincere "way to baptized" that I have ever seen. It brought tears to my eyes... and right after they just gave each other the biggest hug and kiss. Then in the 2nd part of the baptism, during the testimony from Claudio, he began to thank Elder Packard and I for the huge impact that we have had on their family and much more. It was the most rewarding moment! And I know that this is the true work of the Lord... and in  the work of the Lord, one can see the fruits from the labor!
And the crazy part of this whole thing... I AM GETTING TRANSFERRED!!! I have been here in Antofagasta with Elder Packard for 2 transfers and turns out that we both are leaving this sector and Elders crossman and Olivia are staying just not as companions. Elder Packard is going to Iquique as Sr. comp like he should be.. he is young and has a lot more to learn (Spanish) but is one of the best missionaries that I know. And surprise to me the 2 weeks before my year mark, Christmas and after only being a district leader for 1 transfer I will be transferred to Copiapo as a new zone leader with Elder Solice as my companion. What the heck in the world¿ We were not expecting this to happen. But Elder Solice is the best missionary in the mission.. he was an assistant for 6 months until 2 transfers ago and has had a mountain of success here. (wow Ive been blessed with such incredible companions) he is from LA Cali. Well once again the Lord is so merciful with me and blesses me with so many great things that maybe I am not worthy to have. However, I must forever be grateful for the love that he offers me! Please pray for me this week... as I need more help now, than in any other time in my whole mission. 

I love you all with my heart!

Elder Howard

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